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Some picture from my conversion of my TT70-Pro heli engine

to run on gas


click on picture for bigger image





My installation of  ignition system. I have fit the ignition box in this

posision as long way from reciver to reduce risk for interference.

I fly my radio in QPCM mode (Hitec Eclipse 7) and have no problem with interference



Sparkplug purchase from http://www.morrisonandmartin.com/sparkplugs.htm 

in USA. Fit directly in engine and works well. (Enya 3 glowplug beside)





Timing point sensor fit on engine. Sensor bracket is adjutsteble

sensormagnet put into fan (with the black line)



I take apart my engine after 6 hour flying (picture) and it look good

Now i fly more than 50 hour and have take my TT70 out of my Raptor to

 look inside the engine but i have not open the engine yet.



Picture of my onboard camera holder i use in my raptorgasser movie.

VIDEO: 8 min    raptor_gasser_onboard.wmv 

VIDEO: 16 min raptor_gasser_grusgrop.wmv




You can read more on this link about my conversion.




Now more picture on my TT70 after more than 50 hour flying on gas



All converting parts TT70 heli engine Runtonic ignition system 

sparkplug lipol cell 1200 mah, 4 hour running time



 Exhaust port



 Cylinderhead and piston top looks not so bad


 Picture show my engine and sensorbracket in my raptor




2 Gassers

To the left my friend Per-Eriks Predator gasser 

and my Raptorgasser